Membership provides opportune-
ities for anyone interested in today’s
railroads, railroad history, train tra-
vel, artifact restoration, or model rail-
roading. Membership benefits include
free Museum admission and a 10%
Annual dues: Individual $40;
Family $65; Sustaining $100. Life
member single payment: under 62
$1,000, 62 and over $600. Junior
memberships (ages 12-18) for model
railroaders are available; contact
our Model Railroad Superintend-
ent for details.
You can join at the Museum, by
mail, or online. Download application
forms from the Museum’s website
and mail payment. Or you can join
online by clicking Membership and
using PayPal.
Coast Mail is published quarterly by the
San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum. © 2025.
Farewell to an exceptional
crew member
With great sadness we report the pass-
ing of Diane Marchetti. Diane served as
museum manager since the Freighthouse
opened. She ran the Museum Store, pro-
SLORRM Coast Mail Number 91 Spring 2025 Page 2!
Promote California Central Coast
railroad heritage through commun-
ity participation, education, historic
preservation, & equipment operation.
Telephone (message) 805 548-1894
email: info@slorrm.com
website: www.slorrm.com
Mail: 1940 Santa Barbara Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Board of Directors
Peter Brazil Mike Burrell
Stephen Cake Jim Chernoff
Alan Estes Ken Green
Greg Jackson Brad LaRose
Ted Van Klaveren
Crew List
President ..................... Brad LaRose
Vice President...............Mike Burrell
Museum Manager.. ............... vacant
Curator, Restoration .. Brad LaRose
Treasurer/Insurance ...... Dave Rohr
Exhibits ............................. Gary See
Operations ................... Mike Burrell
Events .....................................vacant
Model Railroad .... Andrew Merriam
Membership ....................... Gary See
Fundraising ...........................vacant
Digital Media Coordinator Gary See
Webmaster ................ Jamie Foster
Secretary, Archivist/Librarian, News-
letter Editor ............... Glen Matteson
The museum is a 501(c)(3) non-
profit, educational organization,
staffed entirely by volunteers.
Board of Directors meetings
are scheduled for April 8, May 13,
and June 10, at 6:00 p.m. at the
Museum. You can participate online.
for help
with on-line participation.
Museum supporters
The Museum thrives only with
the support of many. Membership
dues, grants, and donations of ex-
pertise, materials, artifacts and
funds are all greatly appreciated.
In this edition we recognize Laur-
en Nagle for her donation of many of
her late husband Dennis “Dan” A.
Nagle’s books, videos, lanterns, and
other items. For many years Mr.
Nagle was a conductor working the
White Hills Branch, also known as
the Lompoc line. He usually used bay
window caboose #1886, now owned
and restored by our Museum.
Mrs. Nagle also made a very
generous financial donation to sup-
port the Museum’s S.P. boxcar in-
terior exhibit, "The Southern Pac-
ific Theater, Featuring the People of
S.P." A major goal of our Museum is
to preserve memories of the people
who worked for Southern Pacific on
the Central Coast and who helped
build our community.
On caboose #1886’s last day the crew chalked a colorful S.P. ball-and-
wing logo below the bay window. They also gave a name to the caboose:
"Lompoc Flyer." To the side of the window they wrote "Last Caboose Run
15-Nov-95." A modeler made three HO-scale models of the caboose, one
for each of the crew. Each model was custom painted with the
Lompoc Flyer marking, weathered, and mounted on a wood presenta-
tion base. Behind the model (below) is a photo of the crew. Left to
right are Peter Slavik (Brakeman), Dennis “Dan” A. Nagel (Conductor),
and Mike Miller (Engineer).
Pages 5 and 6: Starlight reversal,
holiday celebrations, Annual Report.
cessed memberships,
recruited and trained
docents, and helped
Her many friends on
the Central Coast and
in Hawaii will miss
At right, Diane posed
with an historical tool
in 2016.