Coast Mail is published quarterly by
the San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Board of Directors meetings
are scheduled for June 11, July 9
and August 13, at 6:00 p.m. They
are held at the Museum. Online
participation can be arranged. Con-
tact info@slorrm.com
for help with
on-line participation.
Documents Available
Anyone may access the Museum’s
Bylaws, Collections Policy, Develop-
ment & Operations Plan, Code of
Conduct, and other documents at
slorrm.com. Or request a paper copy
via the contact information above.
SLORRM Coast Mail Number 88 Summer 2024 Page 2
Promote California Central Coast
railroad heritage through commun-
ity participation, education, and his-
toric preservation.
Telephone (message) 805 548-1894
email: info@slorrm.com
Website: www.slorrm.com
Mail: 1940 Santa Barbara Avenue
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
In this publication product or corp-
orate names may be registered
trademarks. They are used only for
identification or explanation with-
out intent to infringe.
Website reductions
Certain longstanding features of
the Museum’s website may not be
available. We are working to recon-
figure the website to meet access-
ibility requirements, and to intro-
duce an entirely new site. Thank
you for being patient.
Museum Store
To raise funds, the Museum offers
several items for sale on-site and
online: T-shirts, hats, belt buckles,
mugs, enameled pins, embroidered
patches, and engineer hats.
On the website click on About,
then Gift Shop.
Membership provides opportune-
ities for anyone interested in today’s
railroads, railroad history, train tra-
vel, artifact restoration, or model
railroading. Membership benefits
include free Museum admission and
a 10% Museum Store discount.
Annual dues: Individual $36;
Family $60; Sustaining $100. Life
member single payment: under 62
$1,000, 62 and over $600. Junior
memberships (ages 12-18) for model
railroaders are available; contact
our Model Railroad Superintend-
ent for details.
Application forms can be down-
loaded from the Museum’s website
and mailed with payment. Or you
can join online: click Membership
and use PayPal.
Board of Directors
Peter Brazil Mike Burrell
Stephen Cake Jim Chernoff
Alan Estes Ken Green
Greg Jackson Brad LaRose
Ted Van Klaveren
Crew List
President ....................... Peter Brazil
Vice President................Mike Burrell
Museum Manager .. Diane Marchetti
Curator, Restoration ... Brad LaRose
Treasurer ......................... Dave Rohr
Exhibits .............................. Gary See
Operations Manager .... Mike Burrell
Events ......................................vacant
Andrew Merriam
Membership ....................... Gary See
Fundraising ............................vacant
Digital Media Coordinator Gary See
Webmaster ................... Jamie Foster
Secretary, Archivist/Librarian, News-
letter Editor ............... Glen Matteson
The museum is a 501(c)(3) non-
profit, educational organization,
staffed entirely by volunteers.
Docent of the Year
Our 2023 docent of the year Alan
Estes (right) has been a member since
our building opened. A reliable and cap-
able volunteer, he’s usually found near
our main entry. He also helps with
several Museum functional divisions.
Crane operator Dennis has his back
to the camera, but you may be able to
see his assistant (a very small dog)
sitting patiently in the cab.
On March 12, driver Ramon Palo-
mino was shy, but we got a photo of
the side his truck.
Museum supporters
The Museum would not exist and
could not improve without the sup-
port of many. All forms of support,
from membership dues to grants and
donations of expertise, materials,
and funds are greatly appreciated. In
this edition we recognize the fol-
lowing for their support.
•Louie’s Crane Service of
•West Coast Towing of
Often, simply being available to
work on the Museum’s schedule is a
tremendous advantage for us.
Recognizing Life Members
A special thank you to our Life
Members. They are often the first
to volunteer and to support specific
acquisitions and restorations.