Celebration of Life: Diane Marchetti

April 27, 2025
1pm to 3pm
At the Museum

With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Diane Marchetti on February 4, 2025. To celebrate the beautiful life she lived, we invite you to a "Celebration of Life" on Sunday April 27, 2025 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm at the San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum. Diane was an integral part of the railroad museum in its earliest days eventually becoming museum manager which she continued until her final day.


Diane Marchetti was a volunteer for the San Luis Obispo Railroad Museum, and has served this organization for over a decade. As a teacher, she utilizes all the caring and helping skills to reach out to and engage our museum guests, the museum volunteers, and those volunteers and staff of other organizations on the Central Coast. She has relentlessly sought out ways to provide an enriching educational experience for children, parents and adults, and those with special needs, such as the elderly and disabled. She provides a powerful leadership example by her relentless drive to move the organization forward, with a synergy of bringing museum members, board directors and the people of our community together for the betterment of all.

Above is our Museum Manager, Diane Marchetti, with two of Union Pacific Railroad's restoration specialists who were particularly interested in the work being done on our 1926 Lounge Car, La Cuesta. 2016.

Diane with her late husband, John. 2017. Both were tremendous Museum supporters and worker bees.

In the Gift Shop on Halloween, 2015.